Jean Gilbert
The old days are gone when an author can remain reclusive. With social media taking the world, it is more inportant than ever to be assessable to the fans. It's not easy because, as most authors will tell you , all we want to do is keep writing. However, connecting to readers is an integral part of being an author. I love meeting my fans and discussing nerdy things with them. Please feel free to come say 'hello' at the next event.
Young Writers' Day Out 2020
Friday June 19 2020
Trust Arena
81 Truman Lane
Bayfair, Tauranga 3118
8:30 am to 4 pm
SupaNova Adelaide 2020
Adelaide Showground,
Goodwood Road,
Wayville, SA 5034
To be confirmed
Booth location will be added closer to the date.
SupaNova Brisbane 2020
Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre (BCEC)
Merivale St, South Brisbane
Queensland 4101
To be confirmed.
Booth location will be added closer to the date.